Monday, May 2, 2011

magnolia cemetery.

Call me creepy, but I love cemeteries. Even though Todd doesn't share my obsession, he entertains it and we usually make time to visit graveyards wherever we travel — from Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah to a seaside cemetery in Spain to a small Irish churchyard (complete with visible bones under one of the graves!).

So it's no surprise that Magnolia Cemetery is one of my favorite places in Charleston. Situated on the Cooper River marshes surrounded by live oaks and magnolia trees dripping Spanish moss, the cemetery dates back to 1849. The mosquitoes can be killer, but it's the perfect place to ride bikes and wander. Best of all, though a little tragic, no one else seems to know about the place. It's usually empty and perfectly peaceful, although this weekend we did spot a hearse club. Apparently that's a thing.


  1. Makes me want to get down for a visit, these pictures bringing memories of us wandering around there. It is nice art work, if one thinks about it.

  2. Next time you get to Memphis we need to make it a point to go to the Elmwood Cemetery.
    I want to move close to you so we can ride our bikes places and have fun together again! It's been far too long since we've lived close.

  3. Come on down :)
    I hear we have quite the need for HVAC technicians.

  4. I love cemeteries~
    My mom and I used to go have picnics in them because they were always so quiet and beautiful. Charleston has some great ones! I miss PURE Theatre being at the Circular Church... theirs i think is the oldest.

  5. I LOVE Magnolia Cemetery and you have captured it so very well! Love all you pictures!
    Another Charleston Blogger.
