Friday, July 18, 2014

Fridays for a Freelancer

The meaning of the word "Friday" has changed so much for me since I started freelancing full-time. There's still an excitement for the weekend, but there's not an overwhelming relief that the week is over.

I'm working harder than ever to make this life work, but I can honestly say that every day is pretty darn good. I wake up early now, without a trace of dread. I make coffee, take my dog to the park, work out, and then head up to my sunny office with some breakfast. I'm still learning to work at my own pace, even if it's not 9–5 (though it's really hard to shake off those 9–5 habits).

My only regret is that I didn't take this leap years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erica!! Where did you get that awesome cabinet/filing drawer. I want one!
