Now that I live somewhere where it actually gets cold, I'm having to do a lot of wardrobe adjustment — and believe me, I don't mind. I've been stocking up on scarves, cozy leggings, and even a fur-lined coat, but there's one thing I really need: Boots. Lots of boots. I lived in flats all year round in Charleston, but I've already realized that those just aren't going to swing it in Boston. If any of you New England ladies have boots-shopping advice, give me a shout. This is new territory for me.
I might not need boots the way you do, but I'm loving my new booties that I picked up the other week - they go with EVERYTHING,default,pd.html?variantSizeClass=&variantColor=JJ7WMA6_1&cgid=8346260&prefn1=catalog-id&prefv1=ninewest-catalog